
2.6 Data representation

Overview of Learning
  • Units
    • bit
    • nibble
    • byte
    • kilobyte
    • gigabyte
    • petabyte
    • megabyte
    • terabyte
  • Explain that data needs to be converted into a binary format to be processed by a computer (Von Neumann)
  • Numbers
    • how to convert positive denary whole numbers (0–255) into 8 bit binary numbers and vice versa
    • how to convert positive denary whole numbers (0–255) into 2 digit hexadecimal numbers and vice versa
    • how to convert from binary to hexadecimal equivalents and vice versa
    • how to add two 8 bit binary integers and explain overflow errors which may occur
  • How Text is represented in computer systems
    • the term character-set
    • the use of binary codes to represent characters
    • ASCII (7 Bit)
      • ODD Parity Check
      • EVEN Parity Check
    • Extended ASCII (8 Bit)
    • Unicode
    • the relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set and the number of characters which can be represented (for example ASCII, extended ASCII and Unicode)
  • How IMAGES are represented in computer systems
      • Mathematical formula states how image is displayed
      • Explain how an image is represented as a series of pixels represented in binary
      • What is meant by the term resolution of an image?
      • What is meant by the term colour depth of an image?
      • the effect of colour depth and resolution on the size of an image file.
      • metadata included in the file
  • How SOUNDS are represented in computer systems
    • how sound can be sampled and stored in digital form (ADC)
    • how factors affect the size of a sound file and the quality of its playback:
      • sample size (time in seconds)
      • Bit depth (aka sample resolution)
      • sampling frequency.
    • Using the above to find the size of a file
  • Binary Shifts
  • Check digits
  • The need for Compression
    • Type of compression - LOSSY
    • Type of compression - LOSSLESS
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