
1.4 Networks

Overview of Learning
  • Wired and wireless networks
  • Types of networks:
    • LAN (Local Area Network)
    • WAN (Wide Area Network)
    • the concept of virtual networks
  • Factors that affect the performance of networks
  • The different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network
  • The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network:
    • wireless access points
    • switches
    • NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
    • transmission media
  • The hardware needed to connect NETWORKS together:
    • routers
  • The internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks:
    • DNS (Domain Name Server)
    • hosting
    • the cloud


  • GCSE 1.4 Types of networks

  • GCSE 1.4 Factors that affect the performance of networks

  • GCSE 1.4 Client server and peer to peer networks

  • GCSE 1.4 Hardware to connect to a LAN

  • GCSE 1.4 The internet

  • GCSE 1.4 Virtual networks

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