
2.2 Techniques

Overview of Learning
  • the use of variables, CONSTANTS, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
  • the use of the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program:
    • sequence
    • selection
    • iteration (count and condition controlled loops)
  • the use of basic string manipulation ( name.upper( ) or name[3:5] )
  • the use of basic file handling operations:
    • open
    • read
    • write
    • close
  • the use of records to store data
  • the use of SQL to search for data
  • the use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including both one and two dimensional arrays
  • how to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce structured code
  • data types AND DECLARING variables (and RAM size alloations):
    • integer
    • real / float
    • CHAR
    • string
    • Boolean
    • and casting between data types
  • the common arithmetic operators
    • +
    • -
    • *
    • / (float division)
    • // (aka DIV or interger division)
    • Exponentiation (^)
    • % or MOD (remainder after DIV division)
  • the common Boolean operators
    • AND
    • OR
    • NOT
  • the common Comparrison operators
    • >
    • <
    • >=
    • <=
    • ==
    • !=
  • the Assignment operator
    • =
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